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A Conversation To Remember
December 24, 1999

[conversation I had on IRC that somehow stuck in my mind]
Sedaris = Me ... consumer = Friend

<consumer> so tonight you want to be wanted for your body, huh?
<Sedaris> lol
<consumer> fickle, fickle girl
<Sedaris> no, I guess I've always wanted to be wanted for my body... but I'd like to be wanted for my mind too ;P
<consumer> you just want it all, baybee
<Sedaris> yup... my cake and fork and some quiet time to eat it all ;)
* consumer shakes his head sadly
<Sedaris> awww c'mon, like you haven't wanted to have both as you wantonly erect and destroy... what was it... walls or barriers? ;P
* consumer clears his throat
<consumer> boundaries.
<Sedaris> rotfl
<Sedaris> barriers then :P
<Sedaris> er
<Sedaris> boundaries
* Sedaris sighs
<consumer> youre young.  youll find it.  just stop looking so damn hard.
<consumer> just relax and have some fun.
<consumer> enjoy yourself.
<Sedaris> yeah well, sitting back and twiddling my thumbs is... like...
<consumer> im not saying sit back.
<Sedaris> lol... you're serious
<consumer> sure.
<consumer> its been known to happen (me being serious that is)
* Sedaris faints
<Sedaris> my god, I've seen it all now ;)
<consumer> fine fine
* Sedaris sighs
<Sedaris> but yah I know
<consumer> i know when my opinion isnt wantred
<consumer> wanted
<Sedaris> sorry, no... I like your opinions
<consumer> see.. you dont want -either- my mind or my body
<consumer> and i'm taking it just fine.
<Sedaris> honestly, I don't think I'm in any frame of mind to say what I want and mean it for more than about 2 days ;P
<consumer> and this doesnt tell you that now might not be the best time to be hunting down the Love Of Your Life?
<Sedaris> lol
<Sedaris> it sounds so ridiculous when you put it that way
<consumer> youre 19 freaking years old.  it'll happen eventually.  you cant force it.
<Sedaris> hey, 20 in 3 weeks ;)
<consumer> ahhh... the world will have ended by then anyhow

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